MYC - Music For Young Children

Saturday, October 17, 2015

I'm always finding new things for her to explore, to me it's the best age now to start exposing her to all sorts of things as her brain is like a limitless sponge that is able to absorb different kind of information in a very short time. Growing up happens in the blink of an eye and the scorpion me hates waiting for action.

I was pretty much deciding which to start first, sports or music. Music was my first choice because she always holds her own mini concert at home and her beats and rhythm are mostly accurate. So I asked around for recommendations of music schools and also googled for many websites, forums and blogs for reviews. In the end, I was left with 2 schools which I felt were most suitable for her in terms of curriculum, age and possibility of her interest

1) Seimpi School of Music


Seimpi School of Music

Seimpi School of Music MIM Playtime
Source : Seimpi Website

I was actually looking forward to attend the trial class which is around S$50, however the class timing was a super turn off because the lessons start at 10am! She surely wouldn't be able to make it because by 10am, she'll still be lazing around the sofa or snacking on breakfast so I wouldn't choose to disrupt her schedule. If the journey is too hectic just to attend this class, it might irritate her and cause her to dislike this activity.

2) MYC - Music For Young Children


Music For Young Children

Music For Young Children Progression Chart

Music For Young Children Teaching Method
Source : MYC Website
I was quite skeptical of MYC because of the lack of trial class. I was only able to make an appointment to go down to the centre to learn more about the programs, see the teaching materials and peep through the viewing windows of on-going classes. Upon signing up, it will be a full term of 10 classes without refund of registration fee should we wish to cancel before completing the full term. Even though we had uncertainties and worries, we eventually decided on that day of appointment to sign up this music class for her to try! (talk about efficiency) The bonus push was parent involvement because I'll then be able to know exactly what she is learning in class, and also the timing was much better as compared to Seimpi.

Till date she has since attended 3 lessons and tomorrow will be her fourth. As expected, she was like super glue to me during her first lesson and we practically paid this first lesson's fee to sing and play ourselves instead. T.T But! she's gradually opening up and getting braver to show that side of her that usually only comes out when she is at home with only Papa Mami around. It's good to see and I'm really happy that she's looking forward to go to music class every Saturday and enjoys herself in that 45 minutes session starting at 3.45pm! I also like that her class is very small with only 3 kids so attention is kept within them only!

Shall update more about her MYC lessons soon!

Music For Young Children Materials 

Music For Young ChildrenMusic For Young Children

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